The Choice To Change Blog

Saturday 29 December 2012

The Impossible

I'm sitting at my desk staring at my diploma that arrived today. I had just got out of the shower when my husband walked in and showed me the package. He opened it and we both sat there just looking at it. He laughed as he said "Master of Science. All I can picture is you in a white lab coat working with chemicals". I remember when I thought I would never even complete my Associates degree, no less a Masters degree. When I finally completed my Associates degree, I thought to myself "I could get my Bachelors degree. I don't want to waste my GI Bill". Through pregnancy and the birth of my son I completed my Bachelors degree. I will never forget sitting in the hospital doing college algebra online, after having my son who was very sick. You want to talk stressful- that was stressful, and I'm good with numbers. I would have paid someone to complete that class for me, but I pushed through and completed it.

My associates and bachelors degrees were both in business and I really wanted a degree in my first true love, fitness. I decided to go for my Masters so I could have a degree in the field I was working in. Not to mention, I love to learn. There is a never ending flow of information available to us, especially in my line of work. In July I completed my Masters program and I am so proud of myself for achieving my education goals while owning a business, being a military wife, and having a child.

There were so many weekends I stayed home while others went out, in order to complete homework assignments. I spent countless hours studying and trying to balance life in the process. The saying "do now what others won't, to live a lifetime as others can't" rings very true to me. I'm thankful for the sacrifices I made and I'm so thankful for the people who supported me a long the way, specifically my husband.

I am now starting my Doctorate program. This is something I never in a million years thought I could do, but I'm doing it. If you would have told me I would have a Doctorate degree 5 years ago, I probably would have gave up before I even started because the thought was to overwhelming and too far out of reach.

You have to take the first step in your journey no matter what it is. Set goals you feel are attainable and move in that direction. The more you accomplish, the more empowered you will feel. I feel that there is absolutely nothing I can't do now. If I want it, I know that I can make it happen. The same is true for you. Embrace your gifts and invest in yourself!

To you health,

Jessica Summerall: This is the motto I choose to practice to make sure that I am doing everything I possibly can to ensure someone is successful, long term. My job is to educate, support, train, teach, and encourage the people who come into my life. Their job is to use those tools to achieve the success they desire, whether it be financial or physical. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Friday 28 December 2012

Where Is God? Scientific Proof That God Exists

Numerous Biblical citations about the importance of the meaning of dreams couldn't convince the world that God speaks through dreams. The barbarous civilizations that ruled the world created the absurd modern civilization, which is atheistic and materialistic, and works based on violence, immorality, indifference, and greed.

The current civilization despises religion, philosophy, art, and metaphysical phenomena, proclaiming that we don't need a creator. Everything can be scientifically explained.

There is nothing else besides the material reality. Everything else is false. If something is not material and it cannot be scientifically proved based on the rules of the scientific community of our historical time, it is pure illusion. We cannot believe in anything that won't be realistically proved according to our scientific rules.

However, our historical time is characterized by corruptions, hypocrisy, and lies. There is a fierce competition in all fields, including the scientific field. Therefore, the rules of the scientific community of our historical time are not only based on the knowledge accumulated by humanity over the years, and on a real intention to find out the truth. These rules are based on personal interests.

As a matter of fact, nobody cares about finding out the truth in our world. Everyone basically cares about their own position.

Thus, the criteria used by our scientists in order to verify if a certain discovery must be accepted and recognized as valid by the world are narrow-minded and absurd. These rules are not based on a sincere intention to discover the truth. They have many other intentions. These rules are limitations that prevent the world from believing in truths that are against the interests of the world leaders.

On the other hand, many scientific discoveries in many different fields have already proved that we need a creator, for many reasons. Nothing could simply have appeared by chance on our young planet in only four billion years and a half. This is like believing that we can construct a building in just a few seconds.

The first scientific explanations discovered by our scientists are insufficient, besides being based on erroneous concepts. They seemed to explain everything, but they were wrong. New scientific discoveries showed us that our old scientific discoveries were based on false impressions and we are far from the truth.

We must begin from the beginning, and look at our problems from different angles. Today's scientific discoveries are as primitive as the discoveries of the Middle Ages.

After continuing Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation I could uncover the camouflage of the hypocritical world and see the entire truth about the human nature. I could also discover the meaning of the human life. This happened because I obeyed the divine guidance in dreams.

Dream interpretation seems to be a subjective practice, which depends on the intuition of the dream interpreter. Nobody believes that we can objectively translate the meaning of dreams. However, this is a false impression caused by various distortions of the ignorant and hypocritical world. My work proves to the world that only Carl Jung could discover the real meaning of dreams.

Jung proved that our dreams are produced by the unconscious mind. While all other methods of dream interpretation (scientific or not) are based on suppositions, his method is based on true research, without secondary intentions.

Fortunately, a few scientists in our world could escape the global tendency to distort the truth. However, they are among too many impostors. The impostors are so many that we tend to believe that there are no exceptions to this rule.

Carl Jung managed to discover the symbolic meaning of the dream images after looking for the meaning of important images for various civilizations. These important images appeared not only in dreams, as well as in artistic, religious, and philosophical manifestations.

Jung was a true genius not properly recognized by the superficial and senseless population of our crazy world. He could understand the psychology of the unconscious mind and cure mental illnesses based on the unconscious guidance.

My work completes his work, giving to the world the confidence that Jung couldn't give us from the beginning because he was a pioneer.

Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation is too complicated, obscure, and incomplete. I had to clarify everything, so that average people could easily learn his method and find solutions to their problems. Otherwise, his brilliant discoveries would get lost in the chaos of the absurd world instead of saving humanity from suffering.

Jung was afraid to completely trust the unconscious mind, even though he considered the unconscious mind a good counselor for the human being. I proved to the world that we can absolutely trust the unconscious mind because it works based on wisdom and sanctity.

The unconscious mind is God's mind. God works like a natural doctor because we need psychotherapy. All dreams have the basic purpose to protect our fragile mental stability.

You can find God by translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation. This is a scientific discovery already proved based on the scientific rules of our historical time.

However, this was not enough. Only because Carl Jung and I could scientifically prove that we can understand God's words when we translate the meaning of dreams based on the scientific method of dream interpretation, this doesn't mean that the world paid attention to this fact.

Numerous very important scientific discoveries don't change anything in our world because nobody cares about understanding their value. Therefore, if a scientific discovery will really make a difference of not, depends on numerous factors.

You can simply verify by yourself that the divine unconscious mind that produces your dreams is wise and saintly by translating the meaning of dreams according to Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation, based on my clarifications and simplifications. You'll have a direct conversation with God through dream messages.

You will surely verify the sanctity of the unconscious mind because you'll understand that you are a terrible sinner. Perhaps you already know that you are a sinner, but you don't think that this is something that should be considered so 'terrible'.

Your opinion about yourself is not based on real knowledge. You tend to forgive your own mistakes, and concentrate your attention on your qualities. You ignore the content of the wild side of your conscience, and you also ignore how deficient your conscience really is, because it works based on only one psychological function. You are not as intelligent as you may imagine.

You also follow the irresponsible mindset of the indifferent world. You believe that you are basically a good person, besides having a few defects. You don't think you should care about your mistakes. Nobody is perfect.

However, God pays attention to your mistakes because He knows how absurd you are, and He works like a doctor. The way God characterizes you is based on the entire truth as it is, and the truth is that you really are a terrible sinner, even if you believe that you are a good person.

If you cannot understand how terrible your mistakes and sins really are, this is because you are indifferent to what is bad.

Nobody is perfect because nobody tries to be perfect. Nobody cares about attaining perfection.

However, God demands perfection from you, the same way He demands perfection from everyone else. God wants to see you having the behavior of a saint.

Is this a surprise for you?

Perhaps it is, since even the members of the church believe with apathy that 'God forgives our sins because He knows that we are imperfect'. God is revolted with those who supposedly represent Him on Earth because they have distorted His lessons.

God doesn't forgive terrible sinners without seeing that they have regretted and changed their attitude. God cannot close His eyes before our sins because He must protect us from craziness and terror.

We are under-developed primates. The biggest part of our brain belongs to our wild conscience, which has satanic characteristics. We live exactly because we have to transform our wild nature into human nature.

Our planet was specially created by God in order to work like psychotherapy. All religions of the world were created by the same God in order to work like psychotherapy. All our dreams also work like psychotherapy. We need all the help we can have in order to stop being violent, and discover the power of wisdom and goodness.

You'll verify that the divine unconscious mind constantly criticizes your behavior, showing you all your mistakes in your dreams. You have to admit that you are making mistakes, instead of giving excuses or showing anger.

You have to recognize your mistakes, so that you may stop making them. If you don't understand that you are doing things that work against you, you will keep making the same mistakes forever. You have to learn how to do only what is positive for you and your community if you want to find peace and sound mental health.

In the beginning you'll dislike being criticized by the unconscious mind. You'll find out that you make too many mistakes.

This happens because you are not using the biggest part of your brain, which belongs to your wild conscience. You have to develop your intelligence and your sensitivity through consciousness. When you'll start seeing the positive results of the divine psychotherapy in your behavior and life, you'll surely be grateful for the guidance you had.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at: Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Can The Way You Dress Affect Your Mental And Physical Health

Can the way you dress affect your health? Some experts say it can. Of course dressing inappropriately for the season can decrease your body's immune system, but that is not the only way your wardrobe could potentially affect your health. Nor is the physical aspect of health the only concern. You have the same make up as every other human being. Your body responds to the same stimuli. If you neglect certain parts of what makes you who you are, you open yourself up to many negative things. Whether you do it consciously or not, the way you dress tells a story about you. It lets people know how you feel mentally as well as physically. If you feel good about yourself from a physical stance, you will tend to wear clothing that showcases confidence and a look at me aura., thereby, helping to keep your immune system healthy. However, if you do not feel good about your physical state, no matter what you put on it will show a sense of using clothes to hide in plain sight of everyone; and that can suppress your immune system.

It goes even further than that. Studies have shown that wearing certain fashions have the ability to change your mood. Dark clothing tends to portray a sad picture. Constantly being around an environment like that can have a negative affect on your mental state and the mind plays a big part in your overall health. This is why hospital rooms are a certain color. Different hues are known to help the body to heal due to the positive state of mind they put you in. There are many bugs out there that wage war against your body to move in and cohabit with your normal system, but when your immune system is healthy, it wards of the attack; sometimes without you even knowing about it. However, if you do things that affect your mental health, it has been proven that you weaken your immune system by your own hands; making it easier for microbes to invade. A melancholy dress style will do more than cause people to perceive you in that manner. It also makes your body react accordingly, too.

Further still, as those you encounter think that you look under the weather and continually asks you if you are feeling bad because you look down, your body will eventually take on the role of being sick. And whether it is a microbial sickness or mentally induced one, they feel the same. Knowing this should encourage you to take more care in how you present yourself when it comes to picking out your wardrobe. You tend to become what you visualize yourself to be. If you constantly surround yourself with attire that depicts a sunny disposition, your attitude is more likely to correspond with that look. The saying birds of a feather flock together is totally true. You should consider your clothes as your feathers. Feathers are not who the bird is, but they grow from the bird and therefore are an important part of what the bird is. Likewise, your clothes are chosen by you and they give an impression of who you are.

So if you want to put forth a healthy persona, it would help to ensure your clothes match your insides or at least match how you want to feel. If your outfits cause people to return looks and stares of negativity, you are the one who bares the brunt of those looks and they do have an effect on you. The more you are bombarded with that, the more it wears away at your overall health. Another way to enhance your overall health with your dress is to step it up a notch and cause onlookers to give you the attention you want by wearing clothing and accessories that put you on a higher level than your peers. Rather than just wear something common in casual or dress, why not push the barriers a little and add some flair to what your have on. Instead of just wearing a shirt, add a light scarf or ascot tie tied around your neck. Rather than choosing the normal tucked in shirt with dress coat and slacks, wear something that has an extended cuff and let your shirt tail hang out under your jacket over a pair of designer jeans. It's sure to get some eyeballs on you accompanied with smiles of admiration. That can only boost your immune system.

Attention to color, style and fashion has the potential to boost your mental and physical health. Consider dressing to help improve your overall well being. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

How to Boost Your Energy Levels in Just 5 Minutes

If you want more energy to remain active and enjoy your day, you can make use of the following tips to give you the extra boost that you need to conquer all the challenges that you will face during the day:

Tip 1-Make your bed

Even though this sounds small and insignificant, this 'small' ritual helps to create a calm atmosphere in your bedroom. This calm atmosphere causes a soothing feeling to permeate through your bedroom which helps you to relax and sleep better when you are in your room.

Therefore, if you are able to use this it will help you to sleep very well at night so that when you wake up in the morning, you would be highly refreshed and strong enough to face the challenges of the day.

Tip 2-Prepare and pack a snack before you leave the house

Prepare a healthy snack to take with you before you leave your house in the morning. You can make use of fruits, unsalted nuts, and vegetables to make healthy snacks. If you have your healthy snacks ready in the afternoon, you will not be tempted to eat junk foods when you start to feel hungry.

Tip 3-Tidy your desk

Remove all the stray papers, scattered coffee mugs and all other things that clutter up your desk. If you can tidy up your external environment, you will be more organised and focused.

Tip 4-Listen to music

Good music helps to lower your blood pressure and your stress levels; it also helps to elevate your moods and keep you upbeat more easily. Download as much music as you like into a playlist on your MP3 player which you can listen to when you are at work and when you are exercising.

However, make sure you don't set the volume of your earpiece to a very high volume so that you don't end up damaging your eardrums.

Tip 5-Sniff soothing natural scents

Some fruits like lemons, basils, junipers, and lavenders have natural stress relieving scents that you can sniff to calm down your nerves.

Tip 6-Gentle stretching

Engage in gentle stretching exercises. You can stretch your arms over your head, and you can also raise and lower your shoulders gently a couple of times. These stretching movements help to improve the circulation of blood in your body and they also help to relax muscular tightness that is caused by the effect of stress.

Tip 7-Meditation

You can take out time to ponder upon bible verses that talk about the goodness and the faithfulness of God; you can meditate on inspiring bible verses from the book of psalms.

Tip 8-Count your blessings

Count and keep a record of every good thing that has happened to you. If you keep your mind constantly thinking about the all the negative things that are happening in the world around you, you will be drained of all your energy.

However, if you (and you can) choose to deliberately keep your mind on only the good things that are happening to you, you would experience higher levels of inner energy as you give thanks for all the good things that has happened to you.

Tip 9-Turn off your gadgets

Take a break from your tablet, personal computer, flat screen television, and mobile phones from time to time. Just switch off everything and unwind especially at night before you go to bed.

Even though the world is on for 24 hours every day of the week, you should switch off from time to time.

Tip 10-Set your priorities

You cannot do everything that you want to do every time. Make a list of all the things that you want to do and arrange them in their order of importance and then you can start doing them one after the other as you start from the top of the list.

If you do this, you will gradually do most of what you want to do after some time.

By the way, are you interested in knowing the healthy foods that you must eat to stay fit, trim and healthy?

If so, click here to sign up for a free 7 day fat loss and healthy diet e-course by the diet solution program. Also, visit weight loss solution to read an honest review of the Primal burn fat burner program natural diet program. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Tuesday 25 December 2012

How to Approach an Energy Clearing (or Energy Healing) Session

We all sat in that classroom as little kids.

We learned that "energy cannot be created or destroyed." We also learned that it can change its form of expression. This is a lesson we can call upon now and use it every day of our lives as we consider energy and healing. Of course, in that science classroom, they talked to us about light and heat, etc. We are going to apply this principle in a way that transforms pain into joy, misery into ecstasy, and anger into love.

Recycling Energy

If you've ever had a garden, you might have found that the energy of the previous year's waste could be turned into the next year's nourishment through a method of composting. And recycling in general has become a major part of our culture and a household word.

As you ponder these methods of taking things that are old and unwanted, and putting them through a process of transformation to bring forward something helpful, useful, and advantageous, you begin to see into the power of the energy clearing session. This is what those who are called "energy healers" facilitate.

The Value Hidden Within Pain

Every pain, misfortune, or mode of suffering, represents a field of conflicted energy. When that field is harmonized, when it is restored to its original state of clear energy, the power locked within the conflict is released and becomes available. That energy can then nourish the soul and move you forward toward the desires of your heart. You may experience this as a feeling of lightness, happiness, inspiration, or a burst of creativity. These are the markings of a spiritual healing.

The Past Lives Within the Now

Energy patterns can trace immeasurably back in time. You can see them running through distant events of your personal history, woven though your ancestral lines, and echoed in the remnants of past lives. Whether or not you believe that you have had past incarnations matters little because it is your current vibration that is being cleared. You may hear this described differently in the context of different energy healing techniques, and that is why it is helpful to understand that the past lives within the now. And this is where it must be harmonized in order to free your now and roll out the red carpet for your future (which also lives in your now).

Pains Gone, Relationships Restored, Happiness Flowing

Regardless of the reason you seek energy clearing, whether it is a body issue, a financial worry, a painful relationship, or anything else, it is best to come to the session with a willingness to let go of your problem and to allow it be transformed into something wonderful. With this spirit of openness, and an honoring of your essence, the energy clearing session can amaze you with the power of its results.

You can experience an energy clearing session first hand at no charge. Bring one issue to the call. It can be about your body, emotions, relationships, finances, or anything else that is causing you pain. Be prepared to let it go and have it transformed into something wonderful in your life. Get your Free Guest Pass to the next energy clearing session at Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Monday 24 December 2012

How to Protect Yourself From Unknown Dangers

Even though today our world gives more importance to science, believing that it is the only discipline that can really show us the truth about our reality, the importance of art, religion, and philosophy cannot be disregarded if we want to have a global vision of our reality.

The divine unconscious mind shows you in your dreams the future development of your reality, so that you may understand how to achieve your goals based on the truth, and not based on your imagination. You learn how to be a serious scientist and a devoted artist who keeps looking for perfection in your work.

You stop being a narrow-minded and one-sided creature who makes many mistakes without understanding the meaning of your actions. After having a global vision of your reality you'll understand how to behave in order to achieve success in life.

You'll become sensitive. You'll pay attention to all the details that compose your reality.

Your dreams will help you understand why you behave the way you do, and how you can always control your behavior in all circumstances, even if you'll be exposed to many dangers and face very difficult situations. Your dreams will also help you avoid all dangers. The divine unconscious mind is your natural protector.

Your dreams will show you unknown dangers that you cannot see, and ways to protect yourself that you cannot find alone. Your dreams will give you many explanations about all matters.

You'll verify that your reality is complex and you must always try to have a global vision about your reality, and never concentrate your attention only on the interesting points for you. This global vision will help you understand the real importance of your actions.

You will find protection from all dangers if you'll be a good student and patient and obey the divine guidance in dreams. The unconscious mind helps you become a prudent person. You learn how to prepare the necessary conditions for your permanent protection from all dangers.

You'll verify that everything that happens to you depends on your attitude. This means that your wise attitude always protects you from outside dangers. The outside dangers cannot cause you any damage if you know how to protect yourself from what is bad.

The unconscious mind gives you clear lessons in dreams. You only have to be an obedient student and patient in order to triumph over life's challenges. You'll acquire sound mental health that lasts forever and attain spiritual perfection.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at: Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Sunday 23 December 2012

Revitalize Your Energy for Fall

As we go into the Fall season, so much about Nature begins to slow down after the hectic Summer months. As the days get shorter, our bodies want to revert to our natural inclination which is to prepare for Winter and Winter's hibernation time. Because of this, it's possible for our energy levels to begin to drop.

But we, unlike Nature's animal kingdom, have our busy lives and it's necessary for us to keep up our energy and vitality at the highest and best levels possible.

Here are a few tips to help you accomplish this:

1 - Turn on more lights - Whether at home or at the office, turn on more lights. This helps ward off the natural sleepiness that darkness brings. Also, if you have access to and can use light bulbs which give off a natural light spectrum, these are most helpful. If you are prone to Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), this type of light bulb is most important for you to counteract your condition.

2 - Go outside and breathe deeply - The cooler, dryer air of Fall can be stimulating. Breathe it in deeply to invigorate yourself and to clear out your lungs and other toxins from your body.

3 - Stick to a healthy diet - We are fast approaching the holiday season with all its candies and rich foods. By eating healthy now, you can enjoy a few more indulgences later. Also you will help avoid many illnesses that start going around this time of year. And don't forget to drink plenty of water and take your vitamins and supplements.

4 - Stick to you are exercise regimen - Exercise gets your metabolism fired up and contributes to improving your overall health, immune system and stamina.

5 - Get plenty of rest - Even though you want to be energetic, you also need to balance with good, restful sleep to maintain your body's equilibrium. One without the other can cause health issues.

6 - Make plenty of R and R time for you and your family - Get out and enjoy the benefits of the season; attend a Fall Festival or carnival, take walks and enjoy the colors that Nature provides this time of year. These add happiness and joy to your life to lift your spirits and your energy.

7 - Open up the windows - Our homes need to breathe too. Open up and let the air in to clear out all the old energy, mustiness, smells, etc.

8 - Meditate and bring the energy in - During your daily meditations, see yourself pulling in bright, energetic light; see it replenishing your natural batteries. Spiritual energy is just as important as physical energy, so welcome it in daily.

By using these tips, you will have an energy filled, joyful, and productive Fall season.

Please leave a comment and tell us what works for you to increase and maintain your energy levels? Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Saturday 22 December 2012

How to Lead Healthy Lifestyles

It may come as a surprise to many people, but leading healthy lifestyles can actually be fun and easy. Many think that people who live healthy eat boring, tasteless food and spend half their lives on exercise equipments, but they cannot be more wrong. They may be right, though, when they say that healthy people who lead healthy lives are usually less prone to a wide array of diseases, and are more confident with their bodies, the way they are and the way they look. These people can enjoy a lot of things that a lot of unhealthy people might not be able to.

It is important to learn that healthy lifestyles can mean healthier physical, mental and emotional health. Most of the times, these things can be strongly interrelated. Good physical health has a tendency to improve mental health and vice versa. Both of these have direct and indirect effects on the emotional state of a person too.

So, how can you lead a healthy lifestyle? In this day and age when the prevalence of diet-related illnesses is high, leading a healthy lifestyle becomes of the utmost importance. Luckily, many easy ways can be done to start living and staying healthy.

1. Good fats vs. bad fats. Trans fats and saturated fats are considered bad fats for a good reason. These kinds of fats increase the risks of heart diseases because they can easily increase cholesterol levels. On the other hand, omega-3 fats, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats have been proven to boost heart health.

2. Whole foods vs. processed foods. Whole foods are the basis of many diet plans because of one simple reason: they offer better nutrition than processed foods. Processed foods also have high amounts of preservatives which aren't all good for the body. Whole foods provide more energy and vitamins than processed foods.

3. Exercise. Not only does exercising help weight loss, it usually has positive effects on health. People who are already suffering from cardiovascular diseases may benefit from 15 minutes of aerobic exercises. Running helps the respiratory system and may also boost stamina and metabolism. Strength exercises can help strengthen bones and muscles, and may also help correct posture.

4. Quit bad habits. Habits are hard to break, but you need to get rid of the bad ones as soon as possible. Smoking poses a lot of threats to overall health, and may cause lung cancer, strokes, emphysema and many others. Drinking too much can damage the liver. The sooner you quit these two, the better for your body.

Healthy lifestyles can prevent many diseases and help lengthen your life. It can easily give you confidence to make you feel good about yourself and be an inspiration to others. In many ways, a healthy lifestyle can have good effects on your mental and emotional health. Instead of thinking that it would take too much of your time, think about it as giving yourself all the time in the world for better quality life in return.

If you are looking for information on healthy lifestyles, click on the link. Or visit Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Friday 21 December 2012

Dream Predictions and The Unconscious Guidance in Dreams

You can understand your spiritual reality the same way you understand your material reality. You only have to learn how to translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method discovered by Carl Jung, and simplified by me.

The unconscious mind that produces your dreams gives you many explanations about the reasons why everything happens in your daily life. You can also predict the future, and change the future development of your reality.

The mindset of the materialistic and atheistic modern civilization is very far from the comprehension of the spiritual dimension of our reality. The unconscious mind shows you in your dreams how you can avoid repeating the common mistakes of the human race.

You'll learn how to identify the laws that belong to your spiritual reality and respect them, the same way you respect physical laws already recognized by our scientists.

This new vision of your reality will give you the chance to read people's minds and understand the reasons why various facts happen in your daily life. Since you'll understand what makes these facts happen, this means that you will also understand how to change the route of your life.

You have to learn how you can change your life. You must pay attention to the objective conditions of your reality. By having a superior vision, you'll understand all the possibilities and impossibilities of the way.

You will observe that everything is prepared to happen before actually happening. Nothing happens without being prepared to happen in a certain way because the facts of our daily lives have a purpose.

Our reality is organized based on the fight between good and evil. Our reality also depends on our psychological type and on the necessities of development of our psyche. Numerous factors predetermine how our future will be unfolded.

We live in order to eliminate our wild nature and learn how to be wise. Nothing happens by chance in our world.

We can predict the future the same way we predict the weather. However, dream predictions are not doubtable like the weather predictions based on human calculations. The predictions we have in dreams are based on God's calculations, since the unconscious mind that produces our dreams is God's mind. Therefore, these predictions are not suppositions. They will happen for sure.

When will you see something you had predicted in a dream actually happening?

Sometimes immediately, sometimes only after a long preparation. However, you will surely verify that everything you had predicted in a dream will really happen in your daily reality. The divine predictions are based on wisdom.

Now that we have undoubtable proof of God's existence we must understand that we have a spirit. All the religious lessons we had when we were children were true. Even thought the absurd modern civilization is materialistic and atheistic, the truth is that God exists and we had better pay attention to this fact instead of trying to ignore the truth.

This fact is not being accepted with joy by the world because nobody likes to be obedient.

Nobody wants to recognize God's existence. Nobody wants to obey God's guidance and learn how to be wise. Everybody wants to be free and do whatever they may desire.

However, there is no freedom on Earth, a planet especially created with the intention to transform our satanic anti-conscience into human content. Our anti-conscience is our wild conscience, which didn't evolve like our human conscience and generates mental illnesses within our conscience. We inherit this primitive conscience because we can think.

We also receive a tiny human conscience from God, so that we may transform our anti-conscience into human content.

We have to obey God's guidance because we don't know how to fight absurdity, and our anti-conscience destroys our conscience through craziness. If we don't obey God's guidance, we become slaves of our wild nature.

We must show gratitude because we can be guided by God in our dreams. This way we can understand how to successfully solve our problems without being based on our suppositions.

As an intelligent individual who follows the progress of the human knowledge, you have to conclude that the obedience to the guidance of the unconscious mind is a wise decision. The unconscious mind is the best doctor, teacher, and friend you could find.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness. Learn more at:

Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Thursday 20 December 2012

Pros and Cons of Corporate Wellness Plans

It is important to consider both the pros and cons of corporate wellness plans. While employee health and wellness is certainly a goal worth striving towards, business owners should always consider the costs and consequences of such an endeavor. If poorly executed, workplace health programs may become an unnecessary company expense. Additionally, employees may feel singled out if emphasis is only placed on a certain areas of employee health-such as weight loss or smoking. However, the benefits of corporate wellness plans are also worth considering. An effective wellness plan may result in higher employee performance and production levels. As well, a significant reduction in company health care costs, make corporate wellness plans a valuable financial option. Carefully considering the benefits and limitations of workplace health programs will allow business owners to choose corporate wellness plans that work best for their company.

The advantages of using corporate wellness plans are many. Promoting the overall well being of one's employees sends a message that the company is truly looking out for each worker's best interests. Good employee health not only lowers a company's health care costs, but also endorses individual employee health and wellness. When each worker is able to perform at his or her highest levels, increases in employee performance and production result. This profits the company both corporately and individually. As well, workplace health programs build a sense of community and support structure for long-term health and wellness. For example if a weight-loss program or running group is started, the employees who join the programs will find themselves surrounded by fellow workers who share the same passions. This sense of community and support system often lasts much longer than the program itself, resulting in long-term employee wellness.

It is also critical to evaluate the negatives associated with corporate wellness plans. Many employers do not consider the costs or consequences of implementing certain programs. Financial planning is crucial to implementing successful workplace health programs. While health care costs will be reduced in the long run, initial start-up costs must be considered. Whether hiring wellness experts, nutritionists, or building an on-site gym, start-up expenses must be accounted for. A carefully crafted financial plan that keeps the company's best interests in mind is critical to the success of every corporate wellness plan. Business owners must ask themselves if a gym is truly necessary or consider how his or her employee's would respond to a weight loss program. A keen understanding of how one's company functions will save business owners who are considering implementing corporate wellness plans, from expending unnecessary funds.

Employers should consider not using funds from their employee's paychecks to pay for the implementation of corporate wellness plans. Most workers already allocate a significant amount of their paycheck towards health care and insurance. Employees may resist workplace health programs that cause them to give up more of their finances. In this case, an employer should consider inexpensive means by which the company can implement wellness goals-such as a weight loss program with a gift card to a popular store as the prize. Another con to consider is that some employees may feel that a corporate wellness program has been specifically targeted at them-especially in the cases of weight loss or smoking. The poor health effects of these conditions are well-known, and often cause pain or embarrassment to employees who struggle with overcoming them to live a healthier lifestyle. Knowing one's company again in this instance, is essential. While some offices may find great success with competitive wellness programs, others may benefit more from an educational health approach. Hiring a wellness expert to offer additional solutions may reduce negative outcomes associated with workplace health programs.

To schedule a corporate wellness consultation today go to For more information on corporate wellness check out! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Wednesday 19 December 2012

No I Can Not Forgive Them

As you may know, I do healing work with individuals. One of the most difficult issues to come across when in a session is forgiveness. The person I am working with tells me about something in their past that happened to them that was horrific. As they tell me, I ask them, "Can you forgive the person who did this to you?" And when they, who came to me for healing, answer usually with tears rolling from their eyes, "No, I can not forgive them!" That is one of the most powerful moments, that they let slip right by them. I always hope for and do get different answers, such as, "It will be difficult, but I will try." Or "Yes, I am ready to forgive them." With the last two answers, the healing session proceeds, and the healing energy continues.

I have asked myself, why does someone who is looking for healing, hold on to such powerful anger? I have come to a few conclusions from my observations. One, the pain they hold, they choose to hold. The pain defines them. When they think of the situation, they seem to be unable to stay in the now moment where they are safe. Their mind takes them right back to the horror as if it is happening right at that moment. So they relive again, again and again. It is helpful to take my client through exercises that help their mind come into the now moment. Now, right now, everything is perfect. Now, right now, everything is beautiful. When you think of the future there is worry, when you think of the past there is anger and regret. Stay in the now, as no one is traumatizing you right now.

Another reason to hang on to the anger is to continue to play the victim role. BLAME!!! Blame is such a low frequency to allow yourself to reside in. Those who play the victim role are difficult to be around and do not realize how they hurt themselves with this point of view. Things happen, people are mean, rude, and cruel. They often do things for no reason other than they can to feel as though they have power. To allow yourself to still be victimized by their actions is allowing them to continue to have power over you.

We all incarnate here with different lessons to learn. This is to evolve our soul. To learn, to grow to expand who and what we are. If you have done something to harm another, forgive yourself. Work on mot being that person anymore. If someone has harmed you, no matter what they did, forgive them. It will empower you, it will free you. Best of all, that will be a lesson learned as the universe has a way of repeating these lessons until you learn them.

B Kimberli Ridgeway, D.N.H. I use gem essences in my healing work. They help to release the blockages that we no longer need to carry. Feel free to order some for yourself at Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Tuesday 18 December 2012

Getting a Healthy Living Make-Over

We all want to be forever young, not necessarily in our actions, but in our physical bodies and our mindset. Hopefully, we don't carry the live forever young philosophy too far and act like children when we're adults. However, having faith as a child and believing that life is good and can be good, even when it sometimes seems bad-is the ticket towards getting a healthy living make-over.

To be in total body health, we need to take care of our three parts. We are a spirit, we have a soul and we live in body. We need to always remember that if one of those parts is not in total health, it will bring the other two parts down as well. Getting a healthy living make-over, begins with getting the right positive mental and spiritual outlook in our lives. Some people look to faith in God as the answer. You need to find your own meaning and purpose to life. Once those two parts of your body are in order, then you need to take a look at the physical side.

We should begin the healthy living make-over by taking our own personal inventory or health assessment. If we're feeling sleep deprived, that could very well be because of stress. The lives we live today are so filled with multiple stressors and we don't know how to organize our daily routines without driving ourselves crazy. On top of that, we need to add daily exercise, at least three times a week, to our schedules. Exercising helps release the endorphins and serotonin which create a sense of overall well-being in our bodies. True, a good workout can create sore muscles, but that's good because you're working your body the right way. However, there's something nice about the satisfaction you get after a good workout.

Ridding our bodies of harmful toxins is a must for a healthy living make-over. Toxins negatively affect our thyroid and can shut down our metabolism. For a natural detox, drinking a cup of hot or cold green tea works really well as a natural detox. Some green tea does have caffeine so drinking it after the evening hours can hinder sleep. We should always pay attention to the labels on our foods.

We should take omega 3 supplements-they stabilize our moods and have few negative side effects. Taking probiotics is also important. They are natural bacteria that help our bodies maintain natural balance of organisms in the intestines. They increase our metabolism and balance our digestive system. Fiber is essential to a healthy diet. Many of us do not get the right amount of fiber in our daily diets. That's why if you don't, then taking a fiber drink or supplements is a good idea. Fiber is essential in lowering bad cholesterol, regulating blood sugar and lowering the risk of heart disease.

Staying hydrating is so vital to healthy living. Water keeps every part of our body working properly each day. It assists in flushing out waste and keeping our body at the right temperature. We lose water every day when we sweat, urinate, breath and have bowel movements. You can survive longer without food, but not that long without water. It's essential to drink enough every day, especially as we exercise and in the hot weather.

Eating a healthy diet is important, but it's also been studied that eating smaller meals, two to four, every day can help stimulate our metabolism and improve our health and body composition. Some people have a very good metabolism and they digest their food and this happens consistently and quickly every time they eat. However, not everyone has this great metabolism. So, if you do eat small meals, it will aid your body in properly digesting your food.

It's easier to let our bodies go and not take care of all our three parts. The harder factor is to live each day with the mindset that a healthy living make-over is obtainable. However, when we live with the mindset that we are taking care of our bodies, this prevention will be the best medicine because we'll be less susceptible to sickness and disease. Prevention is always the best medicine.

Joanne Troppello is an author of romantic suspense novels She is married and loves spending time with her husband and family. Joanne and her husband, John own and operate Mustard Seed Marketing Group, LLC, they are Ind. Distributors with Shaklee and they are Empower Network affiliate members. They are network marketing coaches who teach that you don't have to be an SEO guru or a social media specialist to make their system work for you. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Monday 17 December 2012

Why Dissolving Your Fears Are Crucial To Your Success

I was watching the Big Bang Theory the other day...

Normally I loved this show to bits... the characters are so funny, so human, and the situations (plus Sheldon... ) are just brilliant.

I had brought the 1st season DVD set, and was watching an episode where we were introduced to Sheldons twin sister. She was tall, dark, and pretty, and predictably the other characters fancied her...

Now normally this wouldn't bother me! After all, most comedys have a pretty girl, where guys swoops to get into her good graces.

And for a while at least, the swooping wasn't too bad.

But then it got sickening. As the story progressed, the sister got far too much attention needed, and the usual date-asking game went on for too long...

... to the degree where each guy character took turns to knock on poor Pennys door, and asking the sister out... and all the while, the sister (politely, of course) said, 'No'

When it cam to Rajs turn, the poor guy didn't even speak (the character in the 1st season had trouble speaking to girls) and made a small wimper that excruciatingly lasted for a good minute (although it felt like more), before walking down the stairs. The sister took it in good spirits (mentioning something about a dog) and finally said goodbye to Sheldon. Then the episode ended.

I hated it! I hated the constant swooning, and (regretably) could relate to what some of the guys went through. Pretty women had power... and they knew it!

I remember a few of my earlier experiences, that guys would sometimes drool over women that had the looks, and the very thought disgusted me.

So much so, that for the next 5 hours, I was practically in a bad mood, going through emotional turmoil, before a thought hit me...

Why am I doing this?

This happens a lot. The producers are only trying to produce a comedy after all... Some people will like that stuff, and some people will hate it!

Not everyones taste are the same!

Then I thought about a comment made by Steve Pavlina on his site, about that fact that if you have an emotional reaction towards something, in nearly all cases, it means that a part of you sees that situation inside yourself.

Fast forward to William Burlmans tip for out-of-body exploration. "Confronting and dissolving the energy manifestations of my own fears, limits and blocks are essential for my spiritual growth"

What had happened, was what started out to be a good day (I had previously felt good before watching the episode) had turned bad, all because my soul showed me some, 'past programming' and I hadn't recognised it as such!

Even in good times, you will always see a manifestation of fear of some sort, and its primary reason is for you to simply, 'dissolve it'.


Because you are not thought... although you may use thought to create (in fact you do... )

You are not emotion... although you may use emotion to create (in fact you do, as emotion is, 'Energy in 'motion')

You are soul... unconditional love, unlimited creativity and infinite!


Therefore, you must always seek to dissolve any fear you have. Attack your fears... be relentless (if needs be).

Best way of attacking them... project unconditional love towards them!

Oliver Dodd is an expert in meditating and achieving peace using Chi, Theta and Delta meditation. If you would like to learn to meditate within 60 seconds and not only achieve peace of mind and spirit but also to manifest your goals in life, click here to begin! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Sunday 16 December 2012

Ignore Your Prophetic Dream At Your Own Risk

Premonitions, prophecies and precognition all refer to an experience, (dreams, waking thoughts, visions, etc.), which anticipate a future event that can't reasonably be gathered from information available by usual means prior to the event. These prophecies (or premonitions or precognitions) come to us most often through our dreams and are no more paranormal than are dreams themselves.

Since ancient times the belief that dreams are either warnings or prophecies has been very common. The Talmud, the Hebrew sacred book of practical wisdom, reveals that the Jews gave great importance both to the dream and the interpreter of dreams. There are at least fifteen references to dreams and prophecies in the King James Bible, and this idea has also been supported by non-religious texts, by oral traditions and in books such as the Artemidorus Oneirocritica written around 140 AD.

There are a number of recorded instances wherein prominent individuals have had prophetic dreams that have impacted history in one way or another. In some cases, like with Abraham Lincoln, the dream was ignored with dire consequences, while others were more cautious and heeded the nocturnal message.

About two weeks before John Wilkes Booth fired the fatal bullet that struck Abraham Lincoln in Ford's Theatre, Lincoln dreamt the details of his own funeral. In his dream, he entered the East Room of the White House where he saw a coffin lying on a platform. Soldiers, acting as guards, were stationed around it where a crowd of mourners were gathered. When Lincoln demanded to know who is dead in the White House, the soldier replied, the President. He was killed by an assassin. After Lincoln's assassination, his casket was placed on a platform in the East Room of the White House where it was guarded by soldiers.

One of the most dramatic examples of prophetic dreams, and dreams that would have had the power to change the world if only they had been taken seriously and acted upon, was a dream recorded on the morning of June 28, 1914, by Bishop Joseph Lanyi of Grosswardein, in Hungary. The bishop dreamt the entire scene and details of the assassination of Franz Ferdinand and his wife. This dream is of considerable historical significance because the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand set off World War I.

In 1959, Rita Dwyer was working for an aerospace company as a research chemist when an experimental rocket fuel exploded in her lab. She was instantly engulfed in flames and would have died if it weren't for the fact that a co-worker had had recurring dreams of the event and knew exactly what to do to save her life.

When the fuel exploded in Rita's laboratory in waking life, step by step, her co-worker re-enacted his dream. Heroically, he ran into the blazing laboratory, grabbed Rita by the only part of her body not on fire -her foot- and dragged her to safety. She's alive today only because her co-worker and friend remembered and took his dream seriously -and then acted on the information it contained. Had he dismissed the dreams, like so many do, his friend would not have survived.

Robert Van de Castle reported this heart breaking account in his book, Our Dreaming Mind: In October, 1966, in the Welsh mining village of Aberfan, a massive coal-tip slid down a mountainside killing 144 people, mostly school children. A young girl, Eryl Mai Jones, told her mother about a dream she'd had where she does to school but there's no school there. "Something black has come down all over it." "I'm not afraid to die," She told her mother, "I'll be with Peter and June." When the huge slag deposit slid down on the school two days later, Eryl Mai, Peter, and June were among the 118 children crushed or buried alive.

In 1999 a then, sixteen year old girl, woke up from a dream one morning terrified. In her dream she had hit and killed a young boy while driving her car on a back road. The dream so disturbed her that she related it to her mother, who, as do most people, dismissed it as just a dream. A few days later, the girl was driving down a quiet rural road when she had a nagging feeling that she should put her seatbelt on and slow down. She ignored her intuition. However, only moments later a voice told her to put on her seat belt and watch her speed. The voice was so loud and so strong that she buckled her seatbelt and kept an eye on the speedometer.

Before she knew what had happened, she saw a tuft of brown hair in front of her car. Horrified, she watched and heard a seven year old boy roll across the hood of her car, fly over the roof and land on the asphalt behind her. She stayed with the child as he died. After thirteen years, the young lady, who now has a son of her own is suffering from PTSD and is terrified to let her child out of her site.

Had she taken the dream seriously, or heeded its warning, she may have made different choices. Perhaps she wouldn't have driven down that particular road. Maybe she would have been more diligent and alert while driving. Or perhaps she might have asked someone else to do the driving for a while.

One dreamer had a recurring dream every night for a week. In the dream her mother, who was deceased, paid a visit and told her that she would not see her brother and sister-in-law again and that they would not be "here long." The dream was very disquieting and she wanted to warn her brother but her husband told her not to be so 'silly.' Two days after the last dream she picked up the local newspaper and on the front page were her brother and sister-in-law. They had been killed flying to Spain. The dreamer had had no idea they had even gone on holiday.

Although prophetic dreams can address anything from what you're going to wear to work next Wednesday to a devastating earthquake, they're generally classified into specific types or categories:

Apparitions: These are dreams wherein the dead appear in order to deliver an important message.

Clairaudient Dreams: These types of dreams involve hearing voices or sounds that are extremely distinct and clear. The voice seems to come from nowhere. You usually don't know the source of the voice or sounds. It's imperative that you pay attention to the message in this kind of dream.

Clairvoyant Dreams: These are dreams where you're dreaming of something that's happening in waking life at the same time as the dream.

Empathic Dreams: In these types of dreams you're generally moved by an event in the dream but aren't sure why. You experience clear and sympathetic feelings and sensations. You "feel" something is going to happen.

Telepathic Dreams: You're able to connect to someone else's thoughts through a dream. These dreams usually occur between close individuals.

Warning Dreams: As the description suggests, these dreams forewarn of impending danger, disaster or death. These types of dreams often give you the opportunity to alter the outcome.

In ancient Egypt several papyri have been discovered which relate to prophetic dream interpretation. They specifically note the appearance of 'opposites' in dreams. Thus, the suggestion is that to dream of a birth could refer to an imminent death. To dream of winning the lottery could signify a financial loss, etc.

In an ancient Indian book of wisdom, the Artharva Veda, dating from about 3000 years ago, it's stated that the time of night that the prophetic dream occurs gives a clue as to when the dream event will transpire. A dream occurring early in the night, for example, will be realized later than one occurring near dawn.

Psi researchers have discovered that prophetic dream information often comes to us in the form of some kind of publication such as a TV or radio announcement, broadcast or news flash, in a newspaper, email, or nowadays, a text message, etc.

There will always be exceptions to the rules, but generally, I've found that most people report prophetic or precognitive dreams as being very sharp and clear. In fact, it's often reported that the dreamer seems to be in the dream rather than just watching it. Colours are usually reported as being enhanced, crisp or bright. Sounds tend to be exceptionally clear and loud and the overall dream is often reported as being hard to distinguish from waking reality.

The best way to identify that you're having prophetic dreams at all, and the most effective method for recognizing the elements of a precognitive dream is, as I've said many times before, to keep a dream journal. As you start recording and re-reading your prophetic dreams you'll notice which elements are or aren't present in them. By doing this, you'll also encourage more prophetic dreams.

It's sad that in modern Western societies, we have fallen into the habit of speaking of dreams as "only" dreams, as something less than real. The materialists of the Victorian era dismissed dreams as uncivilized yearnings and repressed desires never to be discussed in polite society. The reductionist scientists of our era try to convince us that dreams are merely the product of random neuronal firings or the brain's way of cleaning out unneeded and unnecessary information picked up throughout the day. When I read research reports along these lines, I wonder how much time the authors have spent with their own dream journals.

More often than not, it takes something shocking or unbelievable to shake us out of our comfort zone and our entrenched belief systems. Many, many people refuse to accept that dreams are even "real," let alone able to change our lives. Thousands of years of data have proved that they are. However, no amount of evidence, or anecdotes, or reports will ever change a hard-nosed skeptic's mind. It takes a experience to alter concepts and beliefs, and this goes for dreams as well.

I believe that the majority of us have the ability to become practicing prophetic dreamers. We're all capable of receiving life changing information and assistance from our dreams for ourselves as well as for other. However, we must be willing to set aside self-limiting beliefs and practice.

Terry Gillis is a dream investigator, researcher and author and would like to invite you to participate in her ongoing research and become a part of the growing dream community by posting your dreams on her blog. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Saturday 15 December 2012

Sleep Is Necessary to Life

The importance of sleep cannot be overstated. According to a recent report, 70 million Americans are having trouble getting a good night's sleep. Research from Harvard Medical School's Division of Sleep Medicine has shown the critical importance of sleep in fortifying the body and keeping the mind clear. Modern science has also shown how necessary a good night of sleep is for maintaining healthy brain functions such as memory and learning skills.

Why So Many of Us Sleep Deprived

The reasons are not surprising. For many women, stress is the main reason for lack of sleep. When you're mentally stressed at night, the body increases its production of cortisol, the stress hormone that acts like a shot of adrenaline preventing restful sleep.

For others, it's the culture we live in with so many temptations to stay up late surfing the internet, texting friends, playing video games, checking emails, watching Netflix, etc.

Many Americans are also over-worked with longer hours and night shifts which leads to an over-indulgence in caffeine from coffee, soda, energy drinks and sugar.

The Important Benefits of Sleep

There are so many reasons to get enough sleep. Studies have linked sleep deprivation to a higher risk of stroke and insomniacs are more likely to suffer a heart attack than those individuals who sleep well at night.

Getting enough sleep at night will also make your mind sharper, your skin healthier and your body slimmer. You will even be nicer and may improve your marriage since lack of sleep can make us irritable and cranky.

Learn How to Sleep Again

Remember when you could fall asleep and stay asleep, waking up feeling rested and refreshed, ready to take on the day? When left untreated, trouble falling asleep can lead to chronic tension, anxiety and even weight gain.

If you are ready to check yourself into sleep rehab or need a sleep intervention, then consider the following sensible tips to help you reclaim your rest and get the type of deep sleep that will rejuvenate your mind and your body.

Tips to Sleeping Better at Night

- Turn off all electronics one hour before bedtime.

- Take time to unwind with a warm bath or good book.

- Set the thermostat to a cooler temperature at night to promote sleep.

- Ease up on the amount of caffeine you drink, especially after 3 PM.

- Maintain a consistent sleep-wake schedule including the weekends.

- Consider a sleep mask to block out all light that can disrupt your sleep.

There is no one single solution to improve sleep that works for everyone. Try doing a few things differently at night to find out what works for you. It will be worth the effort because sleep is a basic necessity just like eating and can have a significant impact on every aspect of your overall health and well being. Sweet dreams!

About The Author: Robyn M. Cooke is the editor of which has everything you will need to reach your weight loss goals, including great advice, great products and the inspiration to succeed! Remember, the best investment you can make is in yourself! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Friday 14 December 2012

3 Reasons Why CrossFit and Farmers Markets Go Hand-In-Hand

I am sure no one will argue that the American local farmers markets are making a strong comeback due to various reasons affecting the majority of citizens. The American economic landscape has eroded over the last five years due to things that can be considered unnatural. The financial and agricultural industries have been injected with unnatural constructs and biological uncertainties. For this reason, the true long term effects have yet to be realized.

CrossFit, on the other hand, came from very humble beginnings with the purpose to bring fitness and overall improved physical health to the masses.

Greg Glassman introduced CrossFit to the world via the Internet by posting constantly varied, high intensity exercises. These exercises were functional in nature and performed at a level of intensity that very few individuals could handle, even seasoned athletes.

Strong communities like Law Enforcement, First Responders, and all branches of the Military embraced the CrossFit standards and rose to new levels of fitness. CrossFit participants (AKA: CrossFitters) began to standout in unit-level competitions.

The CrossFit standard began to catch on worldwide across cultures and industries alike. The CrossFit Community was formed by individuals helping individuals become more fit both mentally and physically.

So let us explore 3 reasons why the community effect of CrossFit and the local farmers markets are so closely related.

1. Eating and Drinking Clean Organic Foods and Beverages

The farm-to-market concept was how it all began before the technology of agri-business came into play. Big agri-business is more concerned with profits and shareholders not the quality of the products produced. Cutting corners and playing with God's genetic design has only led to decreased nutritional value for the earth and human being alike.

Part of the CrossFit fitness standard is nutritional health. So the most efficient way to get your nutrition is to eat as many high quality organic whole foods as possible. Which means foods that are not genetically modified (GMO) and foods that use minimal or no pesticides. The farmers that produce these foods use natural forms of composting for premium soil nutrients and, heirloom seeds that still retain high nutrient quantities from the pre-agribusiness timeframe.

Drinking clean filtered water is key to maintain proper hydration. The reverse osmosis method of filtration is the most trusted and reliable. Any beverage being produced should us filtered water of the same standard. Fermented beverages like Kefir and Kombucha contain life giving enzymes that help provide the harmony and balance your digestive system needs.

Last but not least, the consumption of pasture-raised animals that are grass feed and are allowed to feed off of their natural habitat. Feedlot animals are raised in harsh conditions which require artificial means to help them fight off infections (i.e. multiple vaccinations) and are fed the cheapest of food that is counterproductive to the animal's health and well being.

2. Supporting Locally-Owned Businesses

Strong communities are built on supporting local business. People-helping-people is where true community health and wealth is built. Building a tribal effect of truly caring for your neighbor and their family can only lead to prosperity. I always say, "you can truly see where someone stands when you take money or the pursuit of money out of the equation".

The CrossFit affiliate is a community entity that has a passion for helping people in their local community. Its members are a special group of people that believe in charitable giving that support local causes.

3. Growing Community Relationships

Knowing the name or names of the individuals who produce your food strengthens your bond with those folks and it gives them an incentive to continue to produce food at very high standard. As individuals benefit from the local produce, they spread the word. The local farmers market is usually a family affair with several generations that come out and visit.

CrossFitters, in the same way, receive such a great benefit from the workouts and members work hard to involve their entire family and close friends. Similar recommendations from CrossFit members show the strength of the movement which show no signs of slowing down.

The Bottom Line

For total health and wellness, support your local farmers market to fulfill your nutritional needs and visit your local CrossFit affiliate to fulfill your physical fitness needs.

Either way, you can't go wrong.

Duane Waits Owner/Head Trainer of CrossFit Revealed serving the North Austin, Cedar Park, Round Rock and Leander, Texas area "Get Physically Fit For God, Health, and Wellness"

Sign-Up for the; 1 Double Under Training Program In the World. EE Chapters and Videos available at:

Good Nutrition from quality organic foods from your local farmers markets and good quality functional physical fitness will provide you with long lasting health.

Find and join your local CrossFit Affiliate. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Thursday 13 December 2012

Why Is It Important to Be Physically and Mentally Healthy?

Why is it important to be physically and mentally healthy? Why should people bother with exercising, dieting and making sure that both their bodies and their minds are in their most ideal states? There are many benefits to being healthy, and there are many reasons why people choose to ignore them. However, some facts are just too true and too serious to ignore.

Why Should You Be Physically Healthy?

• Reduce risks of diseases. There's no way this could be denied. People who are healthy have better chances of fighting off cardiovascular diseases, diabetes and, as some researchers suggest, even cancers. Numerous studies have found the link between physical activity and lowered risks for diseases to be quite strong. This is probably the best benefit that good health can provide.

• Weight control. Being healthy means that you might have better control when it comes to how much you weigh. Healthy people are, most of the times, disciplined people who have learned to say no to heaping second servings and to say yes to exercises even if it takes them hours. All of these and more are why is it important to be physically and mentally healthy.

• Improves balance and widens range of activities. As you age, you may feel that you are being limited about the things that you can do. The things that you might have done for hours when you were young, you may not even bear to do for a minute. Daily activities might tire you right away. Exercises and many other physical activities can not only help strengthen your muscles and bones, but can also improve balance and prevent falls.

Why Should You Be Mentally Healthy?

• Reduces stress. Stress, in moderated amounts, can be beneficial to health. Stress can give you energy, and makes you productive and more alert. However, stress in excess can be severely damaging. It can increase the risks of certain cardiovascular diseases, and can get in the way of the body's natural rate of metabolism, thus leading to weight gain. Stress has also been linked to absenteeism and accidents in the workplace. If it can be effectively managed, your chance of getting promoted also increases.

• Improves mood and overall quality of life. Too much anger, confusion, fear, irritability and anxiety may be signs of mental unhealthiness. Happiness may be more easily attained if a person is mentally healthy. People who are mentally healthy will have healthier relationships, and have better physical health. They can also manage their problems better and can make better life choices.


Why is it important to be physically and mentally healthy? It is important because it can give you a longer and more fruitful life. If you get all these benefits from being physically active, how much more can it help if you are mentally active as well? Mental health and physical health are undeniably interlinked. Physical activities help manage stress and pressure better, while mental health improves the effectiveness of physical activities.

If you are looking for information on physically and mentally healthy, click on the link. Or visit Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Wednesday 12 December 2012

Are You Stressed To The Max? Then Get Help Here!

You should try and keep the stress in your life under control. You can cause yourself serious problems like heart disease, insomnia, muscle aches and depression if you are stressed. If you get enough sleep, you will reduce your stress level, and find it easier to stay in good shape and stay healthy.

While video games and other hobbies can typically be very relaxing, if you find yourself becoming frustrated then you should put it down. You should clear your head and let yourself relax, do not give into stressful feelings or frustration.

Surprisingly, getting better organized can reduce stress. A common cause of stress can be clutter, an inability to find things, or even procrastination. Stay organized; your stress level will decrease when you feel in control.

No matter the source of your stress, you always want to think positively. If you are thinking negatively then things will seem much worse then they really are. Every problem that is eliminated can be quickly replaced by the next one. A positive focus on your life will enable you to live it in a positive and happy way, with stress kept well and truly under control.

Give stress relief tonics a try. Homeopathy could help you reduce your stress. These remedies are absolutely safe and can be very efficient. There are some herbs (Kava is one of them) that have been found to be just as effective as Xanax (alprazolam) in helping people relax and stay calm.

Music can sooth the savage beast that is stress. It is commonly known that music therapy can cut down on stress if you find the music relaxing and soothing. So choose music that works well to relieve your own stress, because what might be soothing to one person, might not be the right stress reliever for you. Listening to music you like will cause your brain to release serotonin, which will make you feel calm and happier.

The first step to getting a grip on your stress level is to take an analytical look at how you could improve your methods of dealing with it. Try recording your responses to stressful situations over a period of a month or so. Looking closely at your reactions to times of high stress can help you to self-analyze whether you are using appropriate means of fighting it. If the way you handled stress only made things worse, you can seek new ways to manage stress in your life.

When someone is giving you directions or instructions, you will be less stressed later if you pay close attention the first time. In order to relieve stress, always be sure to listen attentively when instructions are given. For example, when your doctor gives you advice, or when a teacher lectures in class, paying attention will help you retain important information.

Music is a great stress reliever. In fact, the effect of music is powerful and strong. Science has shown that listening to music has a calming effect on the body. People's musical tastes differ widely; you need to figure out what sort of music works to calm you down and help you relax.

Calming scents can melt the stress away. Smelling soothing things, such as peppermint, rose, thyme, lavender, bay leaves, and eucalyptus, will relax you. In a small container you can add some popular scented oils and a bit of rock salt to create your own aromatherapy. Whenever stress starts to overtake you, just smell one of your favorite aromas.

Working for a living is hard enough without having to be stressed out while doing it. Stress causes many problems such as weight gain, premature aging, and can damage your relationships. Take the advice you've learned here and put it into practice to battle your stress successfully! Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Tuesday 11 December 2012

How to Protect Yourself From Common Age-Related Health Concerns

Why do we fear old age so much? A Swedish sociologist Lars Tornstam describes this by asking what a 10 year old would say if we asked him what it would be like to be 20. It would be awful to him. There would be no play time. There would be no summer vacation. He would have to get a job! But at twenty he would look back at the age of 10 and say: "There's no way I'd want to be 10 anymore. I have so much more freedom now. I'm making money. I can do whatever I want." But what if you asked him what it would be like to be 40? "It would be awful. I'd be stuck in the rut of a job. I'd be stuck with a wife and kids." And so on. But the end of Dr. Tornstam's analogy is our concept of old age. For some reason our culture fears old age. In general we fear becoming elderly. Our concept of old age is associated with a lack of contentment with life.

Why is this? Why do we despise grey hair and wrinkles? Why do we fear those "golden years"? Why do we scramble to embrace the concept of youth? Why are we so quick to be associated with that insecurity and inexperience and foolishness of youth? How insecure, inexperienced and foolish of us! What do we think we will lose with old age? Is it the excitement of a new experience, or the opportunity of new tests and challenges? Is it the virility of sexual experiences?

It was a typical clinic day. I was seeing patients with diabetes and hypertension, colds, and a recent broken bone. The next patient on my schedule was Carl Fisk. I had never seen him before. He was scheduled to be in my clinic because his regular doctor was gone that day. The reason he was here was for a medication refill. I looked through his chart and found that he was 82 years old and about 3 years ago his wife of 51 years had died of breast cancer. "Oh no" I thought. "This is going to be a totally depressing visit". I had thoughts that his visit would be filled with discussions about depression and sadness. With this I took a deep breath and entered the room.

Mr. Fisk sat in the corner of the room reading a magazine. He had shiny grey hair and a bright smile. As I walked in he stood up to shake my hand. He wore circular glasses that shined in the light of the clinic room. He was well dressed with khaki pants and a tucked in, blue plaid shirt. I introduced myself, "so what brings you here today?" I asked, prepared for an onset of tears and a possible discussion of antidepressant medications.

"Well doctor", he began, with more energy than I had expected. Mr. Fisk had a strange smile on his face. Like a 10 year old who just got into a jar of cookies. "The last doctor I saw gave me a prescription for Viagra, and I wanted to see if I could get a refill."

Caught off guard I stammered and looked through his chart. He was in the clinic only 2 weeks ago and had a prescription for 10 Viagra pills. Did he use them up already? After regrouping, I continued on. In his chart there were no contraindications for him to take Viagra, and he had no adverse side effects. There was no reason he couldn't continue taking this medication. As I was writing his script (for twice the supply and refills), he said a peculiar thing. "You know doctor," he began. "People think that as you get older, you can't have sex anymore, but I haven't been this sexually satisfied in years."

We shook hands as he left and I moved on to my next patient. But I couldn't stop thinking about how happy he was. My initial notion was that he would be a sad lonely old man. But he was the exact opposite.

Over the next few months, I saw Mr. Fisk a few more times. Each time he was as friendly and happy as the time before. We began to get to know each other better. He had a new girlfriend, and was busy spending time with her and his daily golfing games. At the time, I was doing a Geriatrics Fellowship and it was exciting for me to find an elder so excited about life. We talked about this for a while, and he invited me over to his apartment to see for myself. I decided to take him up on the offer. After working around his busy schedule of golf, dating, and volunteer activities, we agreed to meet on a Saturday afternoon.

Mr. Fisk lived in a retirement community with a combination of houses and apartments, surrounded by wooded trees and the Blue Ridge Mountains of North Carolina. His apartment was on the first floor in the center of the community. He answered the door with the same smile he always had, and invited me in. Mr. Fisk was a humble man. His apartment was Spartan in its decoration. As I entered, the kitchen was on the right, and the living room on the left. There were only a few pieces of furniture in the living room. A comfortable old green couch and a soft matching arm chair opposite it. There was no television in the room. There was just an old stereo with a record player. Mr. Fisk invited me to sit down on his couch and he sat in the arm chair. I started by asking him how his girlfriend was. His smile immediately broadened and his eyes beamed. "Oh, you mean my sweetheart!" he suggested, "well, we just got engaged! You have to see a picture of her!" Mr. Fisk jumped to his feet and ran to another room. He returned with a 4x6 framed picture of himself standing next to a lady with his right arm wrapped around her shoulder. She looked about his age. They were both smiling broadly. Her name was Janet. As we continued our conversation, he could not stop talking about his "sweetheart". It was as if he were a teenager smitten by love. Even when the subjects of our conversation would change he would find something about his new fiancé to bring up in the conversation.

During the afternoon, we talked about other aspects of his life. He was a retired pastor, he played golf almost every day with a group of friends. He volunteered in the community at a Nursing Home. His previous marriage had been wonderful. He had three children who were spread all around the country, but he was still very close to them. I left his apartment that afternoon with a sense that his days were busier, and fuller than mine seemed to be.

Since that day, Mr. Fisk married Janet. His children, came from all over to be at the wedding and he had a honeymoon at a beach in South Carolina.

Carl Fisk is extremely happy with life. He is content, and the opposite of what we think old age has in store for us. We fear the onset of old age as if it is the first nail of our coffin. But with old age we don't have to lose our ability to enjoy sex, we don't lose the excitement to fall in love again. When we are older and full of experiences, by stepping back and looking at our life, we only change the paradigm of what happiness is. Maybe that is what we don't realize when we fear old age.

My name is Arsheeya Mashaw. I am a Geriatrician in a rural town in Virginia. If you are interested in reading stories about my experiences as a Physician please look at my blog Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Monday 10 December 2012

How To Become What You Think About

Whether you want to lose weight, build muscle or just improve your cardiovascular health, the mind plays a huge role. The mind gets and keeps you motivated, it develops those good habits and it lets you see your goal before you achieve it. I believe the biggest reason for people failing to achieve their health and fitness goals is down to lack of knowledge of how the mind works. You either control the mind or it controls you!

The mind hates change. It has a world view which has been built up throughout your life. It knows pigs don't fly and money does not grow on trees. If you were to see a flying pig or a money tree, your mind would reject it instantly. Your mind would be racing to try and find a logical reason to justify why this can't be real, so it fits into its world view. That's why when we try to make a change our mind try's to resist it. Our habits are formed by our past experiences, family and friends. If you understand how this works then you can beat it! To change your bad habits you must replace them with good habits. How do you change a habit? You must repeat the new habit 30 times, so around a month for it to become a new habit. Your new habit will then be formed, replacing the old one.

Let me give you an example. I developed the habit of having porridge oats with kiwi fruit for my breakfast every morning but I wanted to add blueberries as well. To be honest I was not too keen on blueberries to start with but they have so many health benefits, I wanted to include them. It was hard at first to get used to eating them as part of my breakfast routine. I knew it would be at first. I knew if I did this for the full 30 days it would become a habit. After the 30 days it was formed as a habit. I now have blueberries every day with my porridge!

Our daily thoughts about our self, define who we become. They make up our self-image. What is a self-image? The self-image is your view of yourself. The person who you are and the person you think others think you are. You cannot outperform your self- image. If you don't think you can do something, I can guarantee you won't do it. If you don't think you are worthy of something you won't get it or keep it.

If you think you can do a thing or think you can't do a thing, you're right. - Henry Ford

The good news is we can change our self-image. You need to spend about 5-10 minutes twice a day to picture how you want to be. Picture yourself with bigger arms, a six pack or a slimmer you. You have to feel it. Feel the emotion and the great feeling it gives you. You must do this daily. You need to train your mind daily, just like a sportsman would practice his sport daily. Every top sports person visualizes how they will perform. They see themselves winning and at their best. If you do this for just one day you will see a difference for just that day. If you do it every day you will see the difference for the rest of your life.

Most people see an old friend or a family member they have not seen in a while. The friend or family member say's your looking really well or they may say you have put weight on. The majority of people will take the compliment of looking well and feel good for a short while and forget about it. The very same people will take in the negative comment about putting on weight and hold on to that image. They spend the rest of the day feeling down. Looking in the mirror seeing themselves larger than they really are. They may head to the kitchen and grab some junk food to make themselves feel better because they can only picture themselves as being overweight so what is the point. If that one person thinks so then I must be. Right? THIS IS TOTALLY THE WRONG THINKING!

You must hold the picture of yourself with that body you desire. Remember you are doing this twice a day. When you look into the mirror see that new body you want. This will make you feel good. Hold on to that feeling throughout the day. That feeling will keep you on track. Don't allow any negative thoughts about your body enter your mind. If someone makes a negative comment just accept that it is only there view. Everyone one has different views. If you asked a hundred people there favourite food. Would they all say the same thing? No they wouldn't. So just accept that you will always get negative comments but you don't have to accept them! As soon as you feel yourself having a negative thought, think back to your image of that body you desire. This will make you feel good about yourself again. Once you build this momentum and learn to eradicate negative thoughts about your body, nothing will stop you!

You will feel more confident, you will feel in control. This thinking will smash through any of the training or nutrition obstacles you may come across. If you don't control your thoughts, the nutrition and training will always breakdown when those negative thoughts pop up and you hold on to them. So remember, "You Become What You Think About."

If you would like to read more articles about eating healthy, burning fat and building muscle please visit Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Sunday 9 December 2012

How Stress Affects the Body, And Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Stress is an IBS trigger, but it also causes many other problems. It can have a profound effect on your mental and physical health. Here are some facts that might surprise you.

Human beings encounter stress as a daily part of life. Every change in routine that requires us to react causes a little bit of stress. We respond with ingrained responses. Some are inherited; others are learned.

Little bits of stress are beneficial; they keep us alert and ready to respond to the difficulties of life. In fact, the only people who don't experience stress are dead. However, prolonged periods of stress can have a devastating effect on your health, with symptoms such as:

• Colon spasms in people with IBS
• Upset stomach
• Altered digestive activity
• Headaches
• Sleep disturbances
• Elevated blood pressure
• Chest pain
• Tachycardia
• Irregular heartbeat
• Heart attacks
• Trembling or shakiness
• Decreased productivity at work
• Obesity
• Diabetes
• Loss of sex drive
• Menstrual irregularities
• Female hair loss
• Chronic fatigue
• Muscle pains
• Skin disorders
• Recurring infections
• Anxiety and panic attacks
• Shortness of breath
• Memory problems
• Depression
• Mental breakdown
• Substance abuse
• Abnormal immune system response

Stress also exacerbates conditions such as restless leg syndrome.

Relatively minor stress affects many people with irritable bowel syndrome. IBS itself causes stress, especially if it is accompanied by a lot of pain; this creates a self-feeding, vicious cycle that is often hard to break. It may affect close friends and family; they watch their loved one suffering, which tends to perpetuate the cycle as everyone becomes tense and anxious.

There is a huge benefit to be gained by removing or reducing the negative stress in your life.

Here are a few suggestions:

• Avoid watching the news for a few days. Opt for comedies or upbeat musicals instead.

• Take a day off if you work in a stressful environment.

• Hunt for funny photos at Try searches like:

- smiling cat

- laughing moose

- laughing

- smiling dog

Laughter stimulates the immune system and boosts infection-fighting processes. It also decreases pain and provides a distraction from stressful situations.

• Associate with funny people who make you laugh.

• Try deep breathing, meditation, or yoga.

• Avoid brooding about your condition. Focus your attention on other things instead.


The material provided here is for informational purposes only. It should not replace proper medical treatment, advice, or diagnosis. Always consult your doctor and other health-care providers, as appropriate, before consuming any medications, supplements, or natural remedies; or before altering your diet. Discuss all your symptoms, plans, and medical conditions with your physician.

Any application of the ideas contained in this article is at your own risk, discretion, and responsibility. There are no representations or warranties, either express or implied, and the author assumes no liability for any of the information presented.

You should not begin or discontinue medical treatment based on information contained in this, or any other, article.

Be sure to check out Kathy's latest eBooks:

The IBS Compass: Irritable Bowel Syndrome Tips, Information, Fiber Charts, and Recipes. This book contains information that will help you to relieve stress and set a course to better health.

IBS-IBD Fiber Charts: Soluble & Insoluble Fibre Data for over 250 Items, Including Links to Internet Resources. This book will assist you in monitoring fiber intake, no matter where you are. Load it on your cellphone and take it with you to restaurants and grocery stores. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.