The Choice To Change Blog

Saturday 29 December 2012

The Impossible

I'm sitting at my desk staring at my diploma that arrived today. I had just got out of the shower when my husband walked in and showed me the package. He opened it and we both sat there just looking at it. He laughed as he said "Master of Science. All I can picture is you in a white lab coat working with chemicals". I remember when I thought I would never even complete my Associates degree, no less a Masters degree. When I finally completed my Associates degree, I thought to myself "I could get my Bachelors degree. I don't want to waste my GI Bill". Through pregnancy and the birth of my son I completed my Bachelors degree. I will never forget sitting in the hospital doing college algebra online, after having my son who was very sick. You want to talk stressful- that was stressful, and I'm good with numbers. I would have paid someone to complete that class for me, but I pushed through and completed it.

My associates and bachelors degrees were both in business and I really wanted a degree in my first true love, fitness. I decided to go for my Masters so I could have a degree in the field I was working in. Not to mention, I love to learn. There is a never ending flow of information available to us, especially in my line of work. In July I completed my Masters program and I am so proud of myself for achieving my education goals while owning a business, being a military wife, and having a child.

There were so many weekends I stayed home while others went out, in order to complete homework assignments. I spent countless hours studying and trying to balance life in the process. The saying "do now what others won't, to live a lifetime as others can't" rings very true to me. I'm thankful for the sacrifices I made and I'm so thankful for the people who supported me a long the way, specifically my husband.

I am now starting my Doctorate program. This is something I never in a million years thought I could do, but I'm doing it. If you would have told me I would have a Doctorate degree 5 years ago, I probably would have gave up before I even started because the thought was to overwhelming and too far out of reach.

You have to take the first step in your journey no matter what it is. Set goals you feel are attainable and move in that direction. The more you accomplish, the more empowered you will feel. I feel that there is absolutely nothing I can't do now. If I want it, I know that I can make it happen. The same is true for you. Embrace your gifts and invest in yourself!

To you health,

Jessica Summerall: This is the motto I choose to practice to make sure that I am doing everything I possibly can to ensure someone is successful, long term. My job is to educate, support, train, teach, and encourage the people who come into my life. Their job is to use those tools to achieve the success they desire, whether it be financial or physical. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Friday 28 December 2012

Where Is God? Scientific Proof That God Exists

Numerous Biblical citations about the importance of the meaning of dreams couldn't convince the world that God speaks through dreams. The barbarous civilizations that ruled the world created the absurd modern civilization, which is atheistic and materialistic, and works based on violence, immorality, indifference, and greed.

The current civilization despises religion, philosophy, art, and metaphysical phenomena, proclaiming that we don't need a creator. Everything can be scientifically explained.

There is nothing else besides the material reality. Everything else is false. If something is not material and it cannot be scientifically proved based on the rules of the scientific community of our historical time, it is pure illusion. We cannot believe in anything that won't be realistically proved according to our scientific rules.

However, our historical time is characterized by corruptions, hypocrisy, and lies. There is a fierce competition in all fields, including the scientific field. Therefore, the rules of the scientific community of our historical time are not only based on the knowledge accumulated by humanity over the years, and on a real intention to find out the truth. These rules are based on personal interests.

As a matter of fact, nobody cares about finding out the truth in our world. Everyone basically cares about their own position.

Thus, the criteria used by our scientists in order to verify if a certain discovery must be accepted and recognized as valid by the world are narrow-minded and absurd. These rules are not based on a sincere intention to discover the truth. They have many other intentions. These rules are limitations that prevent the world from believing in truths that are against the interests of the world leaders.

On the other hand, many scientific discoveries in many different fields have already proved that we need a creator, for many reasons. Nothing could simply have appeared by chance on our young planet in only four billion years and a half. This is like believing that we can construct a building in just a few seconds.

The first scientific explanations discovered by our scientists are insufficient, besides being based on erroneous concepts. They seemed to explain everything, but they were wrong. New scientific discoveries showed us that our old scientific discoveries were based on false impressions and we are far from the truth.

We must begin from the beginning, and look at our problems from different angles. Today's scientific discoveries are as primitive as the discoveries of the Middle Ages.

After continuing Carl Jung's research into the unknown region of the human psyche through dream interpretation I could uncover the camouflage of the hypocritical world and see the entire truth about the human nature. I could also discover the meaning of the human life. This happened because I obeyed the divine guidance in dreams.

Dream interpretation seems to be a subjective practice, which depends on the intuition of the dream interpreter. Nobody believes that we can objectively translate the meaning of dreams. However, this is a false impression caused by various distortions of the ignorant and hypocritical world. My work proves to the world that only Carl Jung could discover the real meaning of dreams.

Jung proved that our dreams are produced by the unconscious mind. While all other methods of dream interpretation (scientific or not) are based on suppositions, his method is based on true research, without secondary intentions.

Fortunately, a few scientists in our world could escape the global tendency to distort the truth. However, they are among too many impostors. The impostors are so many that we tend to believe that there are no exceptions to this rule.

Carl Jung managed to discover the symbolic meaning of the dream images after looking for the meaning of important images for various civilizations. These important images appeared not only in dreams, as well as in artistic, religious, and philosophical manifestations.

Jung was a true genius not properly recognized by the superficial and senseless population of our crazy world. He could understand the psychology of the unconscious mind and cure mental illnesses based on the unconscious guidance.

My work completes his work, giving to the world the confidence that Jung couldn't give us from the beginning because he was a pioneer.

Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation is too complicated, obscure, and incomplete. I had to clarify everything, so that average people could easily learn his method and find solutions to their problems. Otherwise, his brilliant discoveries would get lost in the chaos of the absurd world instead of saving humanity from suffering.

Jung was afraid to completely trust the unconscious mind, even though he considered the unconscious mind a good counselor for the human being. I proved to the world that we can absolutely trust the unconscious mind because it works based on wisdom and sanctity.

The unconscious mind is God's mind. God works like a natural doctor because we need psychotherapy. All dreams have the basic purpose to protect our fragile mental stability.

You can find God by translating the meaning of your dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation. This is a scientific discovery already proved based on the scientific rules of our historical time.

However, this was not enough. Only because Carl Jung and I could scientifically prove that we can understand God's words when we translate the meaning of dreams based on the scientific method of dream interpretation, this doesn't mean that the world paid attention to this fact.

Numerous very important scientific discoveries don't change anything in our world because nobody cares about understanding their value. Therefore, if a scientific discovery will really make a difference of not, depends on numerous factors.

You can simply verify by yourself that the divine unconscious mind that produces your dreams is wise and saintly by translating the meaning of dreams according to Carl Jung's method of dream interpretation, based on my clarifications and simplifications. You'll have a direct conversation with God through dream messages.

You will surely verify the sanctity of the unconscious mind because you'll understand that you are a terrible sinner. Perhaps you already know that you are a sinner, but you don't think that this is something that should be considered so 'terrible'.

Your opinion about yourself is not based on real knowledge. You tend to forgive your own mistakes, and concentrate your attention on your qualities. You ignore the content of the wild side of your conscience, and you also ignore how deficient your conscience really is, because it works based on only one psychological function. You are not as intelligent as you may imagine.

You also follow the irresponsible mindset of the indifferent world. You believe that you are basically a good person, besides having a few defects. You don't think you should care about your mistakes. Nobody is perfect.

However, God pays attention to your mistakes because He knows how absurd you are, and He works like a doctor. The way God characterizes you is based on the entire truth as it is, and the truth is that you really are a terrible sinner, even if you believe that you are a good person.

If you cannot understand how terrible your mistakes and sins really are, this is because you are indifferent to what is bad.

Nobody is perfect because nobody tries to be perfect. Nobody cares about attaining perfection.

However, God demands perfection from you, the same way He demands perfection from everyone else. God wants to see you having the behavior of a saint.

Is this a surprise for you?

Perhaps it is, since even the members of the church believe with apathy that 'God forgives our sins because He knows that we are imperfect'. God is revolted with those who supposedly represent Him on Earth because they have distorted His lessons.

God doesn't forgive terrible sinners without seeing that they have regretted and changed their attitude. God cannot close His eyes before our sins because He must protect us from craziness and terror.

We are under-developed primates. The biggest part of our brain belongs to our wild conscience, which has satanic characteristics. We live exactly because we have to transform our wild nature into human nature.

Our planet was specially created by God in order to work like psychotherapy. All religions of the world were created by the same God in order to work like psychotherapy. All our dreams also work like psychotherapy. We need all the help we can have in order to stop being violent, and discover the power of wisdom and goodness.

You'll verify that the divine unconscious mind constantly criticizes your behavior, showing you all your mistakes in your dreams. You have to admit that you are making mistakes, instead of giving excuses or showing anger.

You have to recognize your mistakes, so that you may stop making them. If you don't understand that you are doing things that work against you, you will keep making the same mistakes forever. You have to learn how to do only what is positive for you and your community if you want to find peace and sound mental health.

In the beginning you'll dislike being criticized by the unconscious mind. You'll find out that you make too many mistakes.

This happens because you are not using the biggest part of your brain, which belongs to your wild conscience. You have to develop your intelligence and your sensitivity through consciousness. When you'll start seeing the positive results of the divine psychotherapy in your behavior and life, you'll surely be grateful for the guidance you had.

Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.

Learn more at: Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!). Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Thursday 27 December 2012

Can The Way You Dress Affect Your Mental And Physical Health

Can the way you dress affect your health? Some experts say it can. Of course dressing inappropriately for the season can decrease your body's immune system, but that is not the only way your wardrobe could potentially affect your health. Nor is the physical aspect of health the only concern. You have the same make up as every other human being. Your body responds to the same stimuli. If you neglect certain parts of what makes you who you are, you open yourself up to many negative things. Whether you do it consciously or not, the way you dress tells a story about you. It lets people know how you feel mentally as well as physically. If you feel good about yourself from a physical stance, you will tend to wear clothing that showcases confidence and a look at me aura., thereby, helping to keep your immune system healthy. However, if you do not feel good about your physical state, no matter what you put on it will show a sense of using clothes to hide in plain sight of everyone; and that can suppress your immune system.

It goes even further than that. Studies have shown that wearing certain fashions have the ability to change your mood. Dark clothing tends to portray a sad picture. Constantly being around an environment like that can have a negative affect on your mental state and the mind plays a big part in your overall health. This is why hospital rooms are a certain color. Different hues are known to help the body to heal due to the positive state of mind they put you in. There are many bugs out there that wage war against your body to move in and cohabit with your normal system, but when your immune system is healthy, it wards of the attack; sometimes without you even knowing about it. However, if you do things that affect your mental health, it has been proven that you weaken your immune system by your own hands; making it easier for microbes to invade. A melancholy dress style will do more than cause people to perceive you in that manner. It also makes your body react accordingly, too.

Further still, as those you encounter think that you look under the weather and continually asks you if you are feeling bad because you look down, your body will eventually take on the role of being sick. And whether it is a microbial sickness or mentally induced one, they feel the same. Knowing this should encourage you to take more care in how you present yourself when it comes to picking out your wardrobe. You tend to become what you visualize yourself to be. If you constantly surround yourself with attire that depicts a sunny disposition, your attitude is more likely to correspond with that look. The saying birds of a feather flock together is totally true. You should consider your clothes as your feathers. Feathers are not who the bird is, but they grow from the bird and therefore are an important part of what the bird is. Likewise, your clothes are chosen by you and they give an impression of who you are.

So if you want to put forth a healthy persona, it would help to ensure your clothes match your insides or at least match how you want to feel. If your outfits cause people to return looks and stares of negativity, you are the one who bares the brunt of those looks and they do have an effect on you. The more you are bombarded with that, the more it wears away at your overall health. Another way to enhance your overall health with your dress is to step it up a notch and cause onlookers to give you the attention you want by wearing clothing and accessories that put you on a higher level than your peers. Rather than just wear something common in casual or dress, why not push the barriers a little and add some flair to what your have on. Instead of just wearing a shirt, add a light scarf or ascot tie tied around your neck. Rather than choosing the normal tucked in shirt with dress coat and slacks, wear something that has an extended cuff and let your shirt tail hang out under your jacket over a pair of designer jeans. It's sure to get some eyeballs on you accompanied with smiles of admiration. That can only boost your immune system.

Attention to color, style and fashion has the potential to boost your mental and physical health. Consider dressing to help improve your overall well being. Providing quality counselling articles, hynotherapy writings and other mind help resources online.

Wednesday 26 December 2012

How to Boost Your Energy Levels in Just 5 Minutes

If you want more energy to remain active and enjoy your day, you can make use of the following tips to give you the extra boost that you need to conquer all the challenges that you will face during the day:

Tip 1-Make your bed

Even though this sounds small and insignificant, this 'small' ritual helps to create a calm atmosphere in your bedroom. This calm atmosphere causes a soothing feeling to permeate through your bedroom which helps you to relax and sleep better when you are in your room.

Therefore, if you are able to use this it will help you to sleep very well at night so that when you wake up in the morning, you would be highly refreshed and strong enough to face the challenges of the day.

Tip 2-Prepare and pack a snack before you leave the house

Prepare a healthy snack to take with you before you leave your house in the morning. You can make use of fruits, unsalted nuts, and vegetables to make healthy snacks. If you have your healthy snacks ready in the afternoon, you will not be tempted to eat junk foods when you start to feel hungry.

Tip 3-Tidy your desk

Remove all the stray papers, scattered coffee mugs and all other things that clutter up your desk. If you can tidy up your external environment, you will be more organised and focused.

Tip 4-Listen to music

Good music helps to lower your blood pressure and your stress levels; it also helps to elevate your moods and keep you upbeat more easily. Download as much music as you like into a playlist on your MP3 player which you can listen to when you are at work and when you are exercising.

However, make sure you don't set the volume of your earpiece to a very high volume so that you don't end up damaging your eardrums.

Tip 5-Sniff soothing natural scents

Some fruits like lemons, basils, junipers, and lavenders have natural stress relieving scents that you can sniff to calm down your nerves.

Tip 6-Gentle stretching

Engage in gentle stretching exercises. You can stretch your arms over your head, and you can also raise and lower your shoulders gently a couple of times. These stretching movements help to improve the circulation of blood in your body and they also help to relax muscular tightness that is caused by the effect of stress.

Tip 7-Meditation

You can take out time to ponder upon bible verses that talk about the goodness and the faithfulness of God; you can meditate on inspiring bible verses from the book of psalms.

Tip 8-Count your blessings

Count and keep a record of every good thing that has happened to you. If you keep your mind constantly thinking about the all the negative things that are happening in the world around you, you will be drained of all your energy.

However, if you (and you can) choose to deliberately keep your mind on only the good things that are happening to you, you would experience higher levels of inner energy as you give thanks for all the good things that has happened to you.

Tip 9-Turn off your gadgets

Take a break from your tablet, personal computer, flat screen television, and mobile phones from time to time. Just switch off everything and unwind especially at night before you go to bed.

Even though the world is on for 24 hours every day of the week, you should switch off from time to time.

Tip 10-Set your priorities

You cannot do everything that you want to do every time. Make a list of all the things that you want to do and arrange them in their order of importance and then you can start doing them one after the other as you start from the top of the list.

If you do this, you will gradually do most of what you want to do after some time.

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